We invite submissions of full and working papers (poetry and art submissions are also welcome).
All papers should be submitted via the submission system to one (and only one) of the conference tracks.
The submission deadline for all working and full papers is April 7, 2018.
As part of the paper submission process, you will be expected to sign up to act as a reviewer.
Please make sure you remove ALL information from the paper which might reveal your identity.
All papers should be prepared in Adobe pdf.
Papers must conform to the style guidelines provided below.
- 12p Times New Roman
- Double line spacing
- A4 paper size
- Margins: 25mm on all sides
- Footnotes are allowed, but should be kept to a minimum
- Tables, figures, and appendices should be placed at the end of the document after references. In the text indicate the place for tables and figures (e.g., Insert Table 1 about here)
- Include page numbers centered at the bottom of each page.
- Heading 1: centered, bold, capitalized
- Heading 2: left justified, bold
- Heading 3: left justified
- Citations in text and referencing: style and guidelines from Journal of Micromarketing are to be used
Working Papers: 1500-2000 words, excluding references, figures, tables, and appendixes
Full Papers: 2000-3000 words, excluding references, figures, tables, and appendixes
Title page
- Title of the paper: centered in bold 14pt Times New Roman
- List the full names, titles, and affiliations (with complete addresses) of all authors, including e-mail, telephone, on the title page. Please identify the corresponding author.
- Supply 200 words abstract. Abstracts should provide a precise summary of your entire paper, not just your conclusions, and must be able to stand alone, separate from the rest of the paper.
- Include maximum six keywords that describe your paper